City Architect   +  Idea

Anna, ANNA, Anna!
Introducing you to my amazing friend, wife, mama of 3, artist & seriously cool girl!  I love her art as much as her spirit.  Anna has been painting & creating beautiful artistic pieces, well, her whole life I presume.  We have developed a special friendship based on creative brainstorming & just a whole lot of fun.

Here are some of her latest pieces...she's always dreaming up new & inspired work in between running after her 3 little people.  Enjoy each & every one!

Anna Wunderlich

Anna Wunderlich

Anna Wunderlich

Anna Wunderlich

Anna Wunderlich

Anna Wunderlich
Here she is with her equally talented brother, Brown Burch, chef extraordinaire!

I know my posts have sparse, so sorry.  We're on vacation until the end of this month & I'll be back on blog track very soon.  For now, enjoy Anna's creations & I'll be back very, very soon!

We'll talk soon.
