City Architect   +  Memphis

Fab House Friday
I've spent the majority of my life driving by houses and wondering as I gaze in the windows what life must be like inside such charming and special places. And now, after many years of interior decorating, I'm constantly snapping photos of things I find interesting either in Memphis or when I'm traveling. I plan to share my archives with you every Friday. Enjoy! I love this house for its beautiful stone and slate roof. This special place could be straight out of a movie, a holiday one at that. Look at the precious reindeer in the front yard. This house is painted a beautiful color, somewhere between a soft pink or peach. Lovely. This house is in St. Louis, Missouri located about 4 hours from Memphis. We travel there as a family from time to time. Beautiful houses everywhere in St. Louie. Interestingly enough this house has been shared by two of my good friends' families. One friend's cousin sold it to another friend's mother. And, to finish the house swapping off, the 2nd friend's mother sold her previous house to the 1st friend mentioned. Do you follow? I hope everyone has a great weekend. I've spent all day long decorating for Christmas. Glad the big job is done for this year. Tree up and all. We'll talk soon.Gwen