City Architect   +  Fab House Friday

Fab House Friday: The White House
As many of you know, I have an affinity for white houses.  I live in one and for the better part of my adult life a white house is what I've called home.  There is something welcoming and says, "Come on in" about a sparkling white gem (even if it's small).  Luckily for me, my husband grew up in a white house so he loves them too.  And, yes, he does have an opinion on all things home so I'm glad on this we agree.  For Fab House Friday, I've included some favorites from my archives.  Most are from the South.  We seem to love the white house more than ever.  Maybe because in 100 degree heat it seems refreshing.  I hope you all enjoy these images.I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.  Check in to Ragland Hill Social next week, I've got some great posts planned for you.

We'll talk soon.


Images courtesy of Gwen Driscoll, Southern Accents, Eric Cohler, Natchez, MS, Madison, GA