Holiday: Front Door Style!I don't know about you but when I started thinking about decorating for the holidays I flipped, "What, no shelter mags for inspiration? How could they do that to us?" I love to get my stack of magazines and pour through them with vigor for inspiration in holiday decor.
I went to the web, what else? I hope everyone will find a wreath that you can use to adorn your front door in all its glory. Some aren't for novices, take the picture to your local florist, Garden District or Le Fleur if you're in Memphis, and have them design it for you. If I had more time, I'd do it, but my design business is more than a full-time job these days.
This one is my favorite. But, my front door doesn't look like that, so I kept searching.
Love this one, Martha Stewart of course.
I thought this one was unique and it's beautiful on a light colored door. I could also see it on a fabulous red or black lacquered door.
Simply gorgeous in all its traditional glory. Love the way the bow is tied.
Martha again. Thought this was so charming with three wreaths together.
Love, love, love this one for a woodsy location. Don't you think the gumballs are lightly painted in a matte silver?
Driscoll's front door this year. I've never had apples before but I like them. All fresh except for the apples.
Another beauty.
I thought this one would be great for someone living in an apartment, assisted living or condominium facility. You could probably buy the bell wreath at Michael's (dread this time of year) and then add the beautiful bow.
Love magnolia leaves and such. Very pretty.
Simply beautiful.
Sugar cookies and more.
Love this berry wreath. Again, simple and sweet.
Boxwood, magnolia and a pine cone for a bow. Stunning.
Love this one too. It all looks fresh with that gorgeous double sided satin bow!
And Martha again. Ornaments and beautiful ribbon. What more do you need?
Also, if you have a chance, click over to pve design for the Circle of Style post on the history of wreaths. I thought it was great.
Let me know which wreath is your favorite. I'd love to hear from all of you.