Neisha Crosland in Vogue: Don't Miss OutI know Neisha Crosland has been blogged to death, but honestly, why not? This post is for all my favorite clients, work compadres and those who aren't familiar with the British style setter. Her fabrics are phenomenal but it is really her wallpapers that make my heart beat with a leap and a jump. I've spent the better part of last year trying to secure samples of her wallpapers and fabrics. For those of you in large markets with design centers, you just have no idea what we go through to secure anything that is not in mass production. We've called New York, we've called Atlanta, we've called New York again and finally, while in Atlanta last week I got my hands on the actual wallpaper books, #1-6! Oh, in heaven, is all I can say. I immediately ordered all six and I promptly, and politely, grilled the poor salesperson at Clarence House about what the deal is with getting Neisha Crosland memos? Just way too much to cover here but let's just say they are working out the kinks. And, it did make me feel better I wasn't insane in the brain and wondering, "Didn't I ask Ashley to request those again?" My client, who accompanied me to Atlanta, had to endure all of this but luckily she is a huge Neisha Crosland fan so we were both happy, happy!Stark distributes Crosland in the United States. Apparently the numbers with her line don't exactly coordinate with the Stark item numbers (now this makes me a little nervous but worth the risk for sure). My new friend at Clarence House assured me all was good and I could expect my wallpaper books in several weeks. And, the fabric samples I ordered that day have already come in. It's really unbelievable actually considering this has been a year long quest. Enough of those boring "business" details and on to the fabulous images of these beautiful papers. I like to use wallpaper in unexpected ways, not always in your face and all around you. Quite frankly, in my old age, that makes me a nervous wreck. But on a ceiling, one wall anchoring a room, small bathrooms, alcoves, laundry rooms and this is crazy but I've always thought it would be so cool to wallpaper a garage! A little nuts I know but a garage can be a whole other room when entertaining and especially with lots of kids. A disco ball, fab wallpaper and a sound system and you've got a rocking party rain or shine. I have one client whose entire garage becomes her catering kitchen when entertaining. How smart is that? And, wallpaper is absolutely, unequivocally, without a doubt the most bang for your buck when looking to make a statement. You can have an empty room with beautiful paper on the walls and it can remain untouched for years.So peruse these fabulous images and have a ball dreaming up where you might find a hidden gem in your home. Neisha Crosland can bathe your space in phenomenal colors, patterns and something I like to call sophisticated whimsy!What's better and more classic than black & white?For some of our ladies in Florida...this looks perfect to me!Love it. Use it with something funky or let it just be. Happy in either space!Love it!Love it more!Perfect use of a great paper.Lucy doesn't know it yet but this might be going on a wall behind her bed. She's anti-flowers these days so I think I'll tell her they're floating artichokes. I can see the look now which will say, "Do you really think I believe that?" I've told her she can decorate her room when she's a teenager. I've got four more years to do as I please.Ceiling material for sure! Go visit Neisha Crosland's website here. I'd recommend using the name as a reference when requesting memos because I do think the problem is the website doesn't correspond with Starks' coding. We'll talk soon. Gwen