This wonderful family has a brood, many generations that will use and love every square inch of their house. It will be lived in and loved by many so a beautiful design is important but a functional one is also at the top of the list.

For those of you who follow my design work, I'm sure you've heard me rave and carry on about Kara Mann. Her work speaks to me, why, you ask? I think it's the serene quality with the edge I need just a little of somewhere. In my search and quest for inspiration, I came across these images that I thought were perfect.

The architecture of my client's house is very different, the furnishings will be a bit more traditional and decorative (but not too much) and all the furniture can't be white. But, all in all, the color palette here is amazing and somewhere I could dive in and be eternally happy.

We, too, have an offset fireplace that is part of the Family Room creating a special nook. We plan to have a similar seating arrangement like this one, two different scale chairs juxtaposed to one another. Very clever and for our design will work very well.
After I develop an inspiration through images, I build a project with a floor plan and textiles. I see spaces in dimension and shapes before I ever see it in color or texture. In my previous life of marketing and fund-raising, one of my esteemed counterparts had the best saying, "First say it square, then say it with flare". So, now in my design work I say, "First see it square, then see it with flare".
The floor plan and layout of furniture provides the "square" of this equation. I like to incorporate different scales and shapes of furniture and other objects that complete the layout. Once this step is finished, I'm on to the "flare".
I build an intricate web of fabrics that support the architecture including scale and material use. I believe this is what gives a home its style, sense of purpose and, most importantly, its heart and soul.

In my next post, I'll elaborate on our plans for these beautiful textiles and more of the design. It's so exciting and going to be a fabulous house when all is complete.
Stay tuned. It'll be worth it. Another great project visioned and designed by our master team at
