I know it seems absurd that it has taken me an entire decade to launch a website. But, I think you will all agree, when you own a small business & business is good, there are just so many hours in a day to accomplish tasks and clients have always come first for me . But, MISSION finally ACCOMPLISHED!
A huge THANK YOU goes out to my patient clients who have allowed me into their homes and given me the space to complete this project.

It goes without saying that everyone at Gwen Driscoll Designs has played a huge role in making this happen, so to all of you, I can't thank you enough for keeping the office running and your support.
Here is a sneak peak of what you will see on our site now. We plan to add images regularly as we finish projects so STAY TUNED!

Ooh, and check out the November issue of Elle Decor. We have a project featured in it. So exciting!
We'll talk soon,