Are You Ready?I can't believe it has been almost a month since my last post. Life has been busy but really fun seeing many projects come together before the year's end. There is always an enormous push to get projects wrapped up so everyone can enjoy their lovely abodes for the holidays. It gives me such satisfaction knowing my clients are happy, nestled in and ready to celebrate! And, now, a long awaited post for a Special Someone in my Life! You are getting ready to embark on a renovation that we have been talking about for, well let's see, 8-10 years! It's much needed to create a functional home for your family and I won't be speaking to you anymore (you know who you are) if this doesn't happen, and I mean, PRONTO! I won't reveal your identity here today but know Ragland Hill Social will become the latest on-line "design gossip blog" and call you out if you get cold feet. The length of time this has been pondered borders on the ridiculous, especially because you love house, home and everything it entails. You have phenomenal taste, a great eye and grew up in a beautiful now, it's time to give your family something wonderful, a gift with your fingerprints all over it! I've pulled together these images to inspire you and give you a little more direction but you know I'm always here for anything. EXTERIOR We are painting the exterior of your precious Tudor style cottage and the front door needs to be fabulous. Here are two colors I think could look great. You pick! CORAL (your toenails are always painted this color!)or a beautiful BLUE...see how pretty it looks with the taupe/grey color here.LACQUER, of course.This is a much larger, grander version of your house. It's a great example of your brick that will remain unpainted and what I think the trim should be...a color similar to limestone...and I guess that would be Gwen Driscoll Designs good ole' stand-by, Pratt & Lambert Lambswool. I've used it in so many applications, it's the perfect shade of taupe/grey...not too cold and just lovely. We need to do some tests to see what looks best.This darling gate and arbor need to go to the left of your house painted the color of your trim. Remember the one my Dad and Michael built at our Harbert house? That was a sight to behold. Never again for Mikey! INTERIOR The next big area of focus is the Kitchen and Dining Room. Because they sit in tandem, taking out the wall, creating a large arched cased opening will add a bit more casual feel and make every day use a must. You are a fabulous cook, and honestly, without even trying too hard. What comes out of your Kitchen is amazing and it would please us all for you to entertain with more ease.Your new lighting and light colored cabinets are going to transform the Kitchen. I can't wait. Look how beautiful the wood floors are here and maybe we should add a different kind of glass to your cabinets or even mirror?This is another image that is "food for thought". When I think of you blue always comes to mind, probably because of your beautiful blue eyes but I think it could be a nice complement to the Kitchen...maybe a blue ceiling?More blue.And, this is magnificent! See the floors..why I'm insisting they have to change. Can't you just see yourself standing there at your Kitchen window on those "soft" wood floors? No more back issues, I promise! And, this cased opening...shouldn't that be what the doorway between the Dining Room and Kitchen becomes?Here's your hood design! Now, to the Dining Room. I know we've talked about keeping it consistent with the Kitchen wall color but these are just brainstorming ideas for other options to consider. I always like to explore all the possibilities out there.Does it need wallpaper?And don't you love these bookcases to add on the vacant wall?Does it need a rich color on the walls to make it cozy?What about a new lantern instead of a chandelier? I think it would make your space more casual which is your goal. Maybe a painted round table like this too? Just a thought. We both know the Living Room needs the least attention of any of your spaces. But, you know, I couldn't help myself.White wash the beams?Mirror on mirror over the fireplace?Color for the walls? lamps & benches for the table in your front window!A rug like this would go a long way in there.Those prints in the Living Room need to move out! Maybe to the Central Hall, Entry Hall or beloved STUDY! Can't you just see two images like these where your prints currently reside? You love flowers, they would be perfect!Loved these branches and accessories to go in there somewhere. OK, the Master Bedroom. I know you will be so worn out by the time we get to this room that I'll be lucky to get some new bedding in there! But, for someone who loves sleep so much, I can't bear to have you not finish this room.A clean modern space...Or something more layered and lovely? You pick and I'll go to work. I know the bathroom is a priority and we are handling it with simple but lovely finishes. Here are two images I thought were beautiful. Run them by you know who!Ok, Sister, here you go. Let's get this train rolling. I can't wait another day, not one MORE DAY! Love to you & I hope you are having a fabulous weekend away! We'll talk soon, Gwen