A Renewed Spirit!Remember my Grinch? My favorite Grinch and I agree on this for certain, when Christmas is in the books, it's O-V-E-R, over! The tree is down, the house is put back together and this Christmas is a distant memory. We love it, but when your tree goes up the weekend of Thanksgiving, we are ready to see it all go until next year.
2010 is upon us. We are very excited for a fresh new year of possibilities. Ragland Hill Social will provide beautiful images, lots of entertainment and plenty of inspiration for everyone. Look for " A Week in White" coming from RHS very soon.
We are off for fun with friends to include the Mississippi Delta, New Orleans and then to our friends' beautiful house in Hardeman County for a New Year's Eve celebration. I've got a few posts scheduled for while I'm away so check back, but for now, I'll be thinking of you while I'm gone.A little teaser for "A Week in White" and below are pictures of our very special Christmas celebration. Enjoy!Festivities started at our house Christmas Eve. Dinner for many was our first event after Christmas Eve church services.Our first stop Christmas Day was lunch at my beautiful sister-in-law's house. Somehow she escaped my camera, how, I don't know, but she is a pretty as her table and lovely lunch.There is nothing more fun to watch than girls ripping through many, many gifts. We had so much fun!Our next and last stop was at my Mother's for Christmas Night dinner. It was great to be with my very special (and large) family. All our cousins were here, except a few, and my sister and brother were home from Houston and San Francisco. So much fun!A big hug to all my family. We love being together and even though many of us live in Memphis we don't get to see each other as regularly as we would all like. Life is crazy isn't it?
Now we are off to be with our army of friends. Life provides many, many blessings. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Much love and happiness to all my Ragland Hill readers!