City Architect   +  Memphis

Santa's Helpers Came Thank Goodness!
We always decorate for Christmas the weekend of Thanksgiving.  I start thinking about it all and though there is excitement, I also dread having to ask for help from my special someone.  He loves the holidays but once the tree is decorated and everything is put together with perfection.  Over Thanksgiving dinner I had this brilliant idea to request help from my precious and darling cousin who always is up for a project.  Holly, Lucy, Otis and King were Santa's little helpers.  We had a great day, no Grinch in our midst.  Our beloved Grinch came home to everything done including the tree decorated.  He was glad to help with the clean up, build a fire and of course join in for cocktails.  He is great with those kinds of details.  Enjoy the pics!Our front courtyard looks beautiful at Christmas.  Lights and wreaths galore.Santa's helpers got it done.  A Big Thank You!Santa's oldest helper.  King's arthritis wasn't bothering him that day.  Thank goodness.Otis kept us all entertained.  He sang Christmas carols for everybody.Our front door.  Now who wouldn't want to come on in for some Holiday Cheer?We even got the tree up without our favorite and loving Grinch's help.  He was so happy.Ta Da!Everything put together with perfection.  We love to have cocktails in our library.  The tree is an added addition for Holiday Cheer!We didn't have our fire built yet but this is a great place to sit and sip.We all felt like this at the end of the day.But that didn't keep us from enjoying this!I hope everyone is having an awesome Holiday Season.  Happy Holidays from the Driscoll's.

We'll talk soon.
