City Architect + My Domicile Style
I've included images of some of my favorite posts from My Domicile Style. Enjoy! Principles of Landscape Design: Order
Question 1. Where did you grow up and where do you live now?
I grew up in San Antonio, a city rich with culture and vibrant color. After living and working on both coasts, I moved back to Texas and live in North Dallas. All About Art: How to Hang Art
Question 2. What is your profession?
Wife, blogger, design aficionado My Style File: Cabin Crew
Question 3. Why did you start your blog?
Originally, I started a blog to discuss food and recipes. However, I soon found that I kept wanting to share more and more things related to interior design. And I found it challenging to work with HTML, to do some of the blog design on my own. My Style File: Barrie Benson
Question 4. What do you like most about blogging?
The opportunity to share great design and ideas with others. My Style File: Mary McDonald
Question 5. What is the most valuable thing you've gained from blogging?
I think that the positive reaction I have received from blogging has been very encouraging and has emboldened my sense of style. Leaving the work force was the right decision for my family, but it was a hard transition, as the creative parts of my career were so enjoyable to me. Style Guides from
Question 6. How long have you been blogging?
Off and on for over 2 years. Then last year, I made the decision to focus on my blog, and make it a priority. Go Visit
Question 7. How many new friends do you have because of blogging?
I have met the most wonderful and generous people in the blogging community, and have made quite a few new friends!
Just another blog to add to your daily reading list. My favorite thing about blogs is learning something absolutely new and interesting every day.
We'll talk soon.
Images courtesy of My Domicile Style
Penny for Your Thoughts?
Just a Touch, Just a Little Touch of Pink
Home Sweet Horse Truck?
Calling ALL Garden Gods & Goddesses!
My Many Happy Things!