So, on to "My Favorite White Things" for house and home. I love to shop for clients. It's my absolute favorite part of my job. I love the hunt, to look for the perfect piece, sometimes taking longer than necessary because I'm a perfectionist and can't settle for just anything. The perfect piece doesn't mean it's expensive or fancy, but it does have to be the right look, the right size and the right feel for the space I'm designing. I tend to mix many different elements so it's not something to be thrown together without thought and mindful decisions. It's methodical, diligent (bordering on OCD behavior) that creates the right mix for a space. It's an organic process that evolves as we fold in different elements to create an acquired look for a room or home. Mix and match is key: if we have a rustic element in one location there has to be something with a little elegance to balance it in another. I do believe that this should be left to the professionals. We do this every day, the RIGHT mix is key and it takes years to hone your skills that aid you in doing an excellent job. And, in my case, a gift from heaven above for being given an innate talent to know just what is right and what isn't.
DRUM ROLL please! "My Favorite White Things" are a mix of styles, prices and designs. I hope you all can find something you love in this list. Take a look and then go shopping and have a lot of fun!
As most of you know from our give away this week, Leontine Linens are one of my all time faves. I use them in every project I can because of their special quality and nature. I like a mix of old and new. Leontine has that perfect vibe. It's a custom made new item that can be washed and dried just like your favorite white t-shirt, but has the look and feel of a handmade heirloom. And, the best part is, it can be an heirloom handed down through the generations. Click here to see all their amazing products. There is a style, color and price point for every person on planet earth!

Next up, who doesn't love Target? I, for one, can't go without spending at least $100 on things I never knew I needed in the first place. Target has partnered with some amazing designers to produce quality products at perfect prices. I've included a couple I thought were great. Click here to visit on-line.

Jayson Home & Garden has become a go to source for the design industry. They have a great on-line website to browse through for days. If only I had 25 houses to call my own could I find a spot for everything I love at Jayson. We use their products in our design work and they never disappoint. Click here to shop on-line.

A New Orleans favorite, Perch-Home. Many times only big retailers have on-line shopping sites that have professional, big pictures you can see, pricing, dimensions and description so you can just say yes! Perch has a great on-line shopping site, one I go to often in search of great finds. I've chosen just a few of my favorites. Click here to go shopping.

Call Gwen Driscoll Designs if this loveseat or chair is for you. We can order it up in your most favorite fabric choice and have it delivered straight to your door. Now, how's that for service? It's a beauty.

And, DOXA Home is another favorite on-line haunt where I can find wonderful things to take a room from blah to aah! I've chosen a few but it's worth a stop by Jaime Rogers' website to see everything else she has to offer. Carve out some time though, you'll be there a while. Click here to start shopping.

I love white umbrellas in the summertime. Santa Barbara Designs has the most unusual and interesting umbrellas I've ever seen. I wish I could have one of every design. Click here to shop on-line.

Pottery Barn is another umbrella resource. And, if you live in Memphis, we have a great Pottery Barn outlet that has bargains galore. Click here to start shopping.

Williams Sonoma Home always has great finds. I love this lamp that comes in two sizes. Click here to visit on-line.

I'm still trying to find the perfect location for an Amanda Talley painting at my house. Lately, I've thought, maybe my bedroom? Look at this beauty. I think it may have a touch of pink but Amanda can always do something just for you in the size and colors of your choice. And, she has a great blog too. Click here to visit her blog and here to visit her art.

Who doesn't love Brooke at Velvet & Linen? Her blog is fabulous and I can't wait to visit her store in Los Angeles some day soon. These are just a few great finds at Giannetti Home. Click here to visit her blog and here to visit her store.

I stopped in Flair New York while in the city recently. They now have a fabulous on-line shopping website that features all the special items in their store. Go visit their on-line store here.

Rarely do I travel to New York and not visit Amy Perlin. The shop is fabulous and on-line shopping even better because you don't have to travel to visit. Click here to peruse all the phenomenal finds. Here are just a few I picked out for today.

Don't forget about John Rosselli Antiques & Decorations. The showroom is in the same building as Amy Perlin in New York. Beautiful things everywhere you turn and a great staff to help you along the way. Click here to visit on-line.

When you're in Atlanta next, be sure to stop by A. Tyner Antiques to visit their showroom of beautiful painted furniture and awesome accessories. Click here to visit on-line. I love William, the showroom manager, an old friend who I've known for years from shopping in Atlanta. He is a wealth of knowledge regarding all things beautiful.

Oh, and make sure you go to Jacqueline Adams while in Atlanta too. The furniture and accessories are divine. Click here to shop on-line.

Another great on-line resource is Z Gallerie. Especially for those of us who don't have a Z Gallerie store in our midst. I always find great things at great prices for clients. Click here to visit on-line.

Call Gwen Driscoll Designs if these beautiful painted pieces are something you love. We can take care of all your decorating and design needs. A fun and friendly staff helps get the job done. Wish I could say to "click here" to visit our website but it's still in production, to be revealed in the near future.

I hope you've had fun shopping today, it's my favorite past time for sure. I'm off to Nashville for the weekend with college girlfriends and I can't wait. I'll reveal the big winner of the Leontine Linens hand towels on Monday. Remember, comments count for today too. I'd love to hear your feedback on my list, what you like and what you don't.
I've got a great "It's a Small Blog-World" post coming up next week featuring Linda Merrill of Surroundings and The Skirted Roundtable. She's a true talent in design and a phenom in the world of blog!
We'll talk soon.
Images courtesy of Leontine Linens, Gwen Driscoll Designs, Pottery Barn, Jayson Home & Garden, DOXA Home, Gianetti Home, John Rosselli Antiques & Decorations, Amy Perlin, Vivre, Z Gallerie, A. Tyner Antiques, Jacquelyn Adams, Williams Sonoma Home, Target, Perch-Home, Santa Barbara Designs, Amanda Talley, Flair New York