Great Balls Of Fire!!!As Scarlett would say, "Great balls of fire!" and as Gwen is saying, "Great balls of fire it's been CRAZY around here!". I've been doing a lot of this because work has been busy as can be....and a lot of this because we have many new & exciting projects.....and this because I, so happily, have heard from clients I haven't talked to a in a while and who want to start new projects....and this because we had an ice and snow storm and lost days of being able to do anything productive...and I wish I could say I've looked as chic as this while doing all of the above...but I've really looked like this....and this....and this...But tomorrow I'm getting on a plane with one of my most favorite clients and will be in Atlanta until Thursday. I'm excited to having a great three days of shopping enjoyment (my favorite thing to do)!I've got several posts lined up so I hope to get them out this week. If not, I'll be in touch when I return. And please, send me some things for the FDO list. I'm going to need them!!!! Much love to all. We'll talk soon. Gwen