Chesie Breen's CLOVER: Design, Art, Fashion, Culture Chesie Breen is someone you should know and follow! She is a tastemaker, a woman with a plan, someone who sees the future clearly and makes it happen. As the editor-in-chief of the newly founded CLOVER, she is making her mark in this new era of publishing and has fabulous style with her own clever take on life. I've had the pleasure of getting to know her and now we all have the "inside scoop" on CLOVER. To visit, click here. It's a publication you won't want to miss. A few words from Chesie that bring light to this latest on-line phenom. Enjoy!Question 1: Where did you grow up and where do you live now?I grew up in Virginia and Texas. I moved to NYC after college at the University of Texas at Austin.Question 2: What is your profession?I am the founder and editor-in-chief of CLOVER MAGAZINE.Question 3: What inspires you daily from a professional standpoint?The work of interior designers and architects - they are the great translators of sociology.Question 4: How did you come up with the idea of starting CLOVER?I love magazines but there seem to be fewer and fewer - I wanted to give designers a platform for showing work and putting my original spin on it.Question 5: Does the name, CLOVER, have any special significance to you? Who came up with the name?I have always loved the symbol and it's for quandrants. CLOVERMAG.COM is dedicated to four areas: Design, Art, Fashion, and Culture.Question 6: What is the most rewarding part of your job?Getting to say yes to good design and having a voice for promoting both established and emerging artists and fashion designers. I also love connecting the dots to build a cultural train of thought that I call "Street Chic". It's also fun putting together a great posse of minds as contributors.Question 7: How do you balance having a family and your career? I have three opinionated and spirited daughters who weigh in with ideas and critiques all of the time. I like for my daughters to see me working - they think CLOVER is cool and feel some ownership in that. I think women can and should have it all and hope they grow up believing that too.Question 8: What are the best tips you can give us for having a successful career in interior design? Don't ride the pendulum - good taste never goes out of style.Question 9: What do you look for in projects you might publish? Point of View and timeless style.Question 10: Where do you see the publishing industry moving in terms of interior design? First, I think designers should spend the time and money photographing their work well. The days of waiting for a magazine to photograph your work are waning. Your portfolio and website are your calling card. Everyone pre-shops on-line now - it's where people do their homework.Question 11: What is your take on design bloggers? I feel design bloggers are a huge support for the industry at-large - the unsung heroes if you will. The good ones are a source of inspiration and I think bloggers and on-line magazines like CLOVER can support and benefit each other exponentially. I also think that EVERYTHING is shifting to the internet and that PRIVATE EQUITY MONEY will be finding stomping ground amongst us.
I know you will enjoy getting to know Chesie as much as I have. I think her unique style is refreshing and inspiring. Go visit CLOVER to see more images like these here and let her know what you think of it. She would love to hear from you.