Use It, Wear It, Love It - Pink, Pink, PinkPink flowers are my favorite. I grew up with a grandmother who had an award winning rose garden with 100 rosebushes at its finest glory. We had garden roses in every shade you can imagine for years and years. She would bring buckets and buckets to my Mother weekly. Truly, I miss it terribly because flowers grown in a home garden are raised with love and attention daily.We even used her award winning roses for my wedding reception and so many different parties and special occasions I've lost count.What is more beautiful?A single rose on a bedside table is the best way to wake up daily. Just the faint aroma soothes the soul.A touch of pink in a glorious room like this makes it all work beautifully.I love black, white and pink together on fun melamine dishes for the spring and summer months. Target always has a great selection.This lovely clutch is all you need for your evening out with friends.My husband is a real man and wears pink regularly. It's my favorite color on him. Love it.Can I have this cocktail ring please? I can't think of one outfit where this wouldn't be stunning.Pluuuuuze!A party's festive factor just went up with a specialty pink cocktail.One of my favorite gifts to give a special friend is a bag full of fun packaged cocktail napkins, as many as you can round up that have happy and fun patterns. No one ever has enough in their bar drawer!Pluuuuuze!A wedding featuring pink accents is stunning and beautiful. Can I go to this one please?This invitation is precious and charming setting the perfect tone for a fun day.A luncheon with beautiful pink tulips is an event I would love to attend. Or better yet, set your Easter table just so.Have pink lemonade ready for an after school treat for your girls. Boys can partake too, just make it limeade.This event's color palette is stunning. Maybe I'll use it for my an entertaining affair. It's coming up next week for my favorite friend turning 40. These striped paper cups are perfect for a day by the pool. Can some warm weather please come our way soon? Show us the love, we're not used to all this coldness in our midst!My little girl is over pink (tear!). But if yours isn't, how precious is this t-shirt for spring? I hope you all have enjoyed the "Week of Pink". It's been fun and inspiring. Everyone's comments have been so wonderful to read. Thanks to all of you for visiting Ragland Hill Social. I love all my new blog friends. We'll talk soon. Gwen