Longing For....There are so many times throughout the year I LONG FOR Southern Accents! I mean really, really wish I could skip to the mailbox knowing my long awaited copy would be there for me. But, at Christmas, there was no better publication that could inspire you to dress your house to the hilt and be so proud. Here are just a few of my favorites from years past.A Christmas nest.Beautiful inspiration.Stylish and lovely.Come home for the holidays.The softest of palettes.Sweetest dreams.Holiday Cheers!Nature abounds.Charmingly festive.Gobs of glitter.Simply clean and cool.A fruitful bounty.Delight in nature.Gardens of green.Welcoming greens.Blue Christmas. If we can't have new inspiration at least Southern Accents left us a legacy of holiday happiness. Hope you all are having a wonderful season full of love and joy. We'll talk soon. Gwen