The Elves Are Running, Running, Running!!!Gwen Driscoll Designs is making holiday deliveries this week for some really happy clients! The hunt continues on a daily basis but I hit the JACKPOT on recent shopping trips and some beauties have found new homes! So exciting.Talented Amanda Talley continues to turn back flips for my clients & I couldn't be more pleased. This painting will reside in an Entry Hall lacquered with a whisper of blue. Can't wait to show you once it's installed.This beautiful mirror found at The Stalls in Atlanta will serve as inspiration for a mirror we are custom making because of size restraints. Isn't it lovely?And these fabulous sconces from ABC Modern in Atlanta will flank spectacular French Doors in that lacquered blue Entry Hall. Magnificent!This little jewel from mac Maison in New Orleans will reside in a caramel lacquered Library. Can't wait to show you!Travis & Co. in Atlanta provided this fabulous find for a client's almost finished Dining Room. We're getting there piece by piece.Another little jewel found at Travis & Co.What is better than walking in a showroom & finding the perfect console that can be loaded on a truck pronto? So happy to add this to a client's Library.OK. I had to think twice before relinquishing this to a favorite client. Love it. ABC Modern strikes again!One of my all-time favorite dealers, Karla Katz in New Orleans, had this exquisite commode that will reside in a client's Entry Hall. Ooh, La, La!This beautiful mirror is finding a new home in a fabulous Master Bedroom. It will be so happy there. Thanks to The Stalls in Atlanta for always having great finds.Another walk in, pull out the plastic and Dining Table traveling to a new home. So happy, we've been looking for over a year.Daniel Barney in New York had these beautiful vases that are going to be fabulous on a client's console. Perfect marriage!And, this picture does not do this table justice! It's absolutely stunning in my client's Library. BG Galleries in Massachusetts doesn't disappoint.How about this Italian cast resin bowl? Isn't it phenomenal? Mary Ann Jones in Los Angeles sent it right out for us to a perfect new home.And, A. Tyner's new showroom in The Galleries of Peachtree Hills is fabulous. You must go visit William. Love him. Wouldn't you be happy to have any of these lovelies find a special place in your home? It was fun. Phew. It's been a whirlwind! We'll talk soon.