Fab House Friday: My Old Kentucky HomeToday marks the year anniversary of my father's death. This post is in honor of his life and everything he instilled in me: a love of family, home, friends, hard work, beautiful bluegrass land and most importantly a love for one another. My father was my biggest supporter, a person who would drop everything when I called, had the grandest hugs a girl could want, always a prank to keep you guessing and the best sense of humor I've ever known.
I've spent the better part of this year coping with my loss and trying to live in a way that would make him proud. In the most surreal way, he would love Ragland Hill Social. It's named for the farm he left me in the foothills of Kentucky, a place I miss every day. So, Daddy, I'll forever have an "Old Kentucky Home". Thank you.
Follis Farms is raw land but spectacular. It's truly the most peaceful place I've ever been. Quiet, green, rolling and the place my Dad loved more than ever. Some day I hope I can build a beautiful home there, but for now, I'll share some other special places in the Bluegrass. If you haven't ever visited the great state of Kentucky, you should, it will change your life.Go to Lexington and visit Ashland, the homeplace of Henry Clay. Lexington was also the home of Mary Todd Lincoln. Her home is on the National Historic Register and you can tour daily.Stephen Foster wrote "My Old Kentucky Home" here in Bardstown, Kentucky.
Abraham Lincoln was a Kentucky son. Visit his birthplace. It was in a cabin very similiar to this one.
Shaker Village in Pleasant Hill, Kentucky is somewhere we visited every year as children. Yes, I was the child taken to historic home after historic home. Both my parents love of history dictated many family trips.This is Shakertown at South Union, Kentucky near Bowling Green where I grew up. My Dad loved to take us for a drive on country roads and to walk the grounds. We went many times. The last time I was there he took us to a bluegrass festival with the Bowling Green Symphony Orchestra and The Curtis Burch Band, the best bluegrass music you've ever heard.
Go visit Riverview near Bowling Green, Kentucky.Payne-Desha House in Georgetown, Kentucky
Woodford County, Kentucky
Anton Diebold House in Louisville, Kentucky
Emmett Field House in Louisville, Kentucky More Shakertown
Daddy, Lucy, King, Otis and me at Christmas several years ago. And, yes, that blanket is Kentucky Wildcat blue fur with the Wildcat paw proudly displayed on center. Remember, I do bleed blue!
A huge thanks to all my family, friends and clients who have supported me through this hard time. Michael, Lucy, Mom & Paul, Julie & Tom, Ann & Matt, Susan & Mike, Ashley & Andrew, Amy & Tim, Stephanie & Spence, Jane Scott & Phi, Abbie & Duncan, Stephanie & John, Doro & Pat: you all have been the best. I couldn't live without you. Thank you for everything. I'll always remember how good you've been to me.
Much love,
Ragland Hill Social is having the Week of Green next week. Stay tuned!